Welcome to ATPC

Statement from the President of the Africa Tourism Promotion Centre

Dear Friends,
I am honored and delighted to introduce the Africa Tourism Promotion Centre (ATPC),
an organization dedicated to promoting and enhancing tourism development across our
beloved continent. As the President of ATPC, it is my privilege to lead a team of highly
passionate individuals committed to showcasing the vast beauty and potential that
Africa has to offer to the world.

At ATPC, we believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of representation.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce our team, comprised of talented professionals
whose drive and expertise contribute to the success of our organization. Our board of
directors and staff members work diligently day in and day out to achieve our mission
and create a sustainable and inclusive tourism ecosystem in Africa.
Additionally, I am proud to announce the appointment of three distinguished individuals
who serve as High-Level Ambassadors for ATPC. These esteemed ambassadors are
tasked with representing our organization at various levels, advocating for sustainable
tourism, and fostering partnerships both locally and internationally. Their unwavering
commitment to promoting Africa as a premier tourist destination is commendable, and
we are privileged to have them on board.

We are immensely proud to have these esteemed individuals on our team, and their
contributions are instrumental in promoting Africa’s profound tourism potential and
fostering economic growth within our continent.
Together, with our dedicated staff and the support of our High-Level Ambassadors, we
endeavor to unlock investment opportunities, disseminate valuable tourism information,
organize captivating events, and ultimately elevate Africa’s position as a premier tourist
Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey to showcase the very best of Africa
to the world. We look forward to your continued support and partnership as we work
towards a sustainable and prosperous future for our continent.
Warmest regards,
President, Africa Tourism Promotion Centre